Reduce San Antonio DWI Fines & Penalties

The Law Office of Guillermo Lara Jr.

If you plead guilty or if you are convicted when fighting a Texas DWI arrest, here are some things to consider. Even if this is your first-time DWI, DUI, or drunk driving conviction, the consequences can be very serious and negatively impact your life. Special attention should be taken if you have prior Texas DWI drunk driving-related convictions on your record.

When fighting a first, second, third or fourth DWI in Texas, it is important to realize that it will have a big impact on various areas of your life, if convicted. This is due to the strict penalties enforced for Texas DWI offenses.

Common DWI penalties you can expect include:

  • Fines and surcharges (including court costs)
  • License suspension or revocation
  • Community service
  • Imprisonment (even after first offense)
  • DWI education and intervention programs
  • Increased car insurance premiums
  • Alcohol education for minors
  • Ignition interlock.
  • SR-22

​That being said, it’s very important that your attorney discuss what tactics and strategies will be used in taking on your intoxication case. Like we mentioned in our previous post, legal tactics are extremely important and a careful analysis of the facts surrounding your DWI arrest can mean the difference between probation and dismissal. I want to know why the officer stopped you, what you were doing before he stopped you, where he stopped and any that may influence his decision to arrest you. Again, the legal tactics that will potentially be used in analyzing the details of your intoxication case can be used to fight and challenge DWI test results and evidence.

With this analysis, it could result with you avoiding severe, expensive, and unnecessary DWI penalties, depending on your case and circumstances. However, it is important to realize that timing is very important in a DWI case.

Fighting a Texas DWI case moves very quickly, from your license revocation hearing then onto fighting the DWI criminal charges next (the link takes you to current DWI Laws) . All of the expensive legal costs begin accumulating quickly as court dates get reset, which is why it is so important to have the details of your arrest properly examined before your first court date. This full analysis can help in showing what to do to prevent these high legal expenses altogether. Most importantly, it’s necessary to be successful in winning your Texas DWI arrest charges.

How to Hire a DWI Lawyer

When you are searching for a DWI Attorney and investigating their qualifications it’s important to ask many questions. Remember, it’s your freedom to drive and your record that is on the line. In every DWI case I handle, I make certain to keep you informed with weekly updates.

Some of the questions you should ask include:

  • What is the attorney’s past DWI case experience?
  • How successful has the attorney been at minimizing penalties?
  • What does the lawyer think about your chances?
  • Make sure to maximize your free consultation if offered and go prepared with all documents. This will ensure a meaningful consultation and provide a good test for the attorney’s knowledge of probable cause factors.

Your driving privileges and rights are important to you, and they should be equally important to your legal counsel or attorney. The best DWI attorney for fighting DWI/DUI charges will understand the ins and outs of the DWI court process and DMV hearings. What I do is work quickly to protect your license while helping you avoid jail time, heavy fines, and other criminal penalties. My initial meeting always requires you to fill out forms that help me get to know you and the important facts from your arrest. This is the best way for us to develop a strategy in defending your case. After you provide this information, I get to work and request our ALR hearing within 48 hours, demand the Bexar County DA to preserve evidence, demand that SAPD preserve evidence and explain to you the best strategy for having your DWI charges dismissed quickly, when possible.

Just as no two individuals are the same, no two Texas DWI cases are the same. Your needs and concerns are important to me, and I am here to help get you answers with the consideration, dedication and respect you deserve.

Most of all, if you email us the details of your offense we will provide you a basic analysis along with a FREE 40 minute consultation. My goal as a DWI attorney is to give you straight-forward answers and put you on the right track for fighting to win and dismiss your DWI arrest in court.

Contact The Law Office of Guillermo Lara Jr. today for your best chance to win your DWI! Payment plans are always welcome!

OFFICE: (210) 209-8143
